Buy your own Bouquets and Your Happiness

In all those years since i have had acquired a desire to soothe my eyes with flowers,I have always yearned to have them.. luckily years back I found a guy to promise me to get them till my last breath and post that.. Undoubtedly, my husband has successfully given me a bunch of happiness over the years occasionally.

Meanwhile i realised with time i had this dependency on him or someone to give me the happiness which soothes my soul.

To some it may be waste of money or to some it maybe emblematic.Yes he is not the only one who has given me flowers in the passing years but no matter what,when you don’t depend on ordering biryani for self why do we depend on buying yourself a bouquet.

Though i shall still cherish and wait for your bouquets my dear husband… but no longer depends for the same and shall no ways be upset if you miss to give me one.

With this thought i wish to normalise having your own bouquets. A woman should not only be financially independent but emotionally independent too. Some may find bizzare but this is how it should be…

I affirm:

I am the incharge of my life;
Incharge of my happiness and sorrows;
Noone can pamper me more than i can do myself..

To all the women who read this make sure you are self reliant in each and every aspect.

It has to have no occasion to understand you’re worth it, nobody to be dependent to buy you diamonds or carnations.

That’s what is ultimate woman empowerment. More power, keep shining stay beautiful.

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